Workrunner is creating the new standard in Business Application Development.
Here is an overview of technologies that we focus on so you don’t have to.

Process Modeling
Any kind of business process can be modelled using a process designer tool provided within Workrunner web interface. The designer allows the management of all the definitions involved with in a process, including forms, databases and web services. Process designer simply creates a single self-contained XML process definition file that soon can be duplicated or migrated to other servers by a simple copy-paste operation. None of automated tasks require a restart, reboot or recompile.

A task is your to-do item. At any given time your job list consists of a collection of tasks. It is your responsibility to keep your worklist clean and tidy by completing jobs on time as projected. Tasks break your bigger jobs into smaller pieces, so that your work becomes more manageable and less intimidating. Tasks can be labeled, prioritized, tracked, delegated or commented for better management. At Workrunner everything is a task and every state of it is recorded so that a timeline can be pulled any time to review.

Workrunner forms provides rich range of controls to achieve perfect user experience. Addition to common standard controls you can use sliders, tabs and any level of nested grid like controls. Workrunner forms use latest HTML5 technology and compatible with all modern browsers with multiple theme support. Desktop, tablets or phone type devices are all supported with simple drag-and-drop form development. Database-backed lookups allow forms to be filled with correct data entries easily.

Workrunner has been developed with .NET Framework v4.0. The Process Engine and integration services require a Windows Server system, while the database layer requires MS SQL Server. The end-user interfaces and process design tools, being completely web based, can be run on any operating system (Windows/Linux/iOS). A web browser with JavaScript support is the only requirement. Workrunner allows multiple instances of web servers or process engines to work simultaneously on the same database.

Web Services
Workrunner not only allows processes to speak to each other through a database, but also allows communications via SOA based web services. This feature is built upon Microsoft Communication Framework, which means a large number of web service standards such as WS-Transactions are supported by Workrunner out-of-the-box. Depending on the type of tasks, Workrunner web services can be used to initiate new processes or to finalize pending jobs for workflows in progress.

Data Model
Workrunner Data Model which compliant with the industry standard of XSD (XML Scheme Definition) is defined during the process modeling stage. Workrunner can work with external XSD data types such as unlimited hierarchical models and web services. All transactions within the process (form fields, scripts, role definitions, etc.) are based upon a workflow data which can be accessed via XPath queries and is flexible to handle all modifications within XML standards.

Version Management
Workrunner makes it possible to work with different versions of the same process. You may seamlessly add a new feature to your application and release a new version without worrying about how to sync the live processes running in the system, Workrunner manages these active workflows with the version set at their creation. Unlimited number of versions can be created at any given time without any hassle.

Workrunner contains localization tools for the purpose of different language usages, regadless of the language a process is designed with. Localization tools scan all objects used within the interface, and acts as a dictionary for a different language provisions. Unlimited number of dictionaries can be placed for localization purposes, and this dictionary remains valid for different systems as it will be carried on the process.

Business calendar
Workrunner has a built-in business calendar to provide a complete working environment. Via the calendar, users can manage their work days, share their work lists and temporarily delegate their tasks to other users when they are out-of-office. If needed, due dates within the system can be calculated with respect to the working hours. The calendar can be integrated with any external system supporting the iCAL standard.

With a single click, you may see snapshots of your business processes. Workrunner transforms complex business processes data into vivid and easy-to-understand infographics. In order to ensure data security, process data could be filtered with given permissions. Your process dashboard is your best friend with statistics and visuals to manage your business needs.

Log book
Workrunner keeps all records of transactions during process execution. Process details, such as who started the work, when it is completed, what is being done, who owns the current step, etc…, are stored. All these records can be reported as both in a graphical layout based on a process map or in a classic table view.

Usage Statistics
Workrunner keeps all records of transactions during process execution. Process details, such as who started the work, when it is completed, what is being done, who owns the current step, etc…, are stored. All these records can be reported as both in a graphical layout based on a process map or in a classic table view.